Jordan Crossing Power Course – This four (4) day life-changing experience will empower you to overcome obstacles that have hindered your walking into God’s promises and inheritance.  You come out of this experience ready to live a victorious life through the power and wisdom of God.  Your personal relationship with God and your ability to communicate with him goes deeper.This course will break generational curses so that you take back what is legally yours by covenant.  You change your beliefs so that they are closer to the way God thinks on core issues in your life.  Your heart is healed from past hurts and pain.  You also learn how to overcome the power of the enemy.   Greater freedom and victory through Christ will be yours.

Destiny Retreat – In three (3) days, you will discover your personal and family destiny as well as develop a strategy to accomplish it.  You will receive coaching for one (1) year to insure progress towards achieving your destiny. Imagine the excitement of moving from talking about it to actually doing it.

Kingdom Connection – This seminar will sharpen your ability to both hear God’s voice and experience the Kingdom of God. You will gain a fresh and new insight on faith.  People should look at our lives and gain a good understanding of God because of how his love, his power, his blessings are daily displayed in our lives.  You will end this seminar surprised at your accuracy in hearing his voice.

Cash Flow Development – The first step to financial freedom is to develop a cash flow plan/budget and a financial strategy that includes money for tithing, saving and investing.  Most people know they should have a budget but struggle to follow one.  Let us help you.

Financial Freedom - The second step to financial freedom is managing your money to accomplish clear short term and long term goals.  Destiny Institute will help you set and achieve financial goals, such as, getting out of debt, achieving a six (6) month emergency fund and purchasing items without going into debt.

Funding Your Destiny – Discover how to develop and achieve the goal of having investments that grow to such a degree that you can live off of interest income without ever touching the principal.  Imagine never having to work again because of successful investment income.

Accountability Checkpoints – You will participate in a minimum of six (6) follow-up counseling sessions to evaluate and assist you with accomplishing the personal, destiny and financial goals developed through the inspiration Destiny 40.

Ready to find out more?

Let us know which online courses you would like to register for in the future!